Cyber Security +

Cyber Security + (plus) is a community project for proto-development of a cybersecurity school. The program is current accepting applicants for its limited openings. We are seeking people between the ages of 20-40, currently un or under-employed, and residing in a depressed economic area.

The U.S. economy has a demand for 300,000 cyber security certified individuals. This is a past due demand. It's a deficit. It is estimated that by 2020, that demand will increase to 3 million.

The relative ease for entry into this technical field and its elevated pay scale makes it a prime candidate as an industry for economically depressed communities to pursue.

Because our society is not homogenous nor united for equitable benefit to all, economically depressed ethnic communities have not been courted to pursue these fields of employment. There is a general view that these fields are mentally difficult and this acts as a deterent.

We know this is far from the truth and the training of these communities will be lucrative, when structured properly. We are creating that structure.

If you are interested in being a candidate of our pilot program, apply below. We have limited positions available. And there is no cost to participate.